Killbuck Village Council met in regular session on March 21, 2024 commencing at 7:00 PM with Mayor Allison presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Tyler McCombs, Lisa Kauffman, Dick Patterson, Ted Thorpe, Erica Ash present. Cindy Miller absent.
In Attendance:
Steve Patterson, Street Commissioner
Oliva Biltz, Solicitor
Guests: None
Approval of Previous Minutes:
Discussion: Lisa Kauffman made a motion to approve the minutes from March 7, 2024, Tyler McCombs seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Absent
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Fiscal Officer Report:
Representative’s Name: Linda Campbell
Approval of Bills: Ted Thorpe made a motion to pay current bills in the amount of $30,742.07 Dick Patterson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Absent
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Street Report:
Representative’s Name: Steve Patterson
Discussion: Dumpsters are scheduled for April 18th to the 21st. Waiting to hear back from Loudonville Village village administrator Garrett DeWitt concerning the street sweeper.
Park Report:
Representative’s Name: Rick Allison
Discussion: The hydrant was installed. There was a broken toilet in the men’s restroom and two lines broke in the women’s restroom in the new pavilion, all repaired. The gator was serviced. Linda notified Grasshopper that we were not going to do treatment this year at the park. Still waiting on the other quote. Will get with Micah Martin concerning the shrub trimming.
Sewer / Water Report:
Representative’s Name: Rick Allison, Linda Campbell
The website is up and running, still running into some issues with posting from the bank to CUSI. Have a ticket logged, it appears it is closing times from Stripe and the bank. Working on figuring out what report times to put in for balancing. Had printer issues, Think Ink and Coblentz both did a support call. It is now resolved.
Solicitor Report:
Representative’s Name: Olivia Biltz
Still working on the trailer committee paperwork. Will answer the watershed quiet title complaint, stating that the village is fine with the quiet title action.
Discussion: Muse garage addition. Olivia reviewed the zoning ordinance and where the new addition was going to sit on the property. And it was her recommendation that the variance be denied, because the addition would sit directly on our right-away. After some further discussion concerning future zoning issues if this was granted, Dick Patterson made a motion to deny, Erica Ash seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Absent
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Olivia will draft a procedure for future applications.
Prior Business:
Discussion: Met with James Miller Rep from AEP gave him pole numbers and what type of lighting the village wanted. He will get us an estimate for pole installation and cost for monthly usage.
Discussion: The Nature Work’s playground Equipment grant. Tyler and Erica are still working on footprint. Will have something at the next council meeting. Discussion took place concerning removing old equipment and the installation of the new.
Linda will get with Tim to serve the Hundley and Brewer properties.
Steve and Dick to get the brackets to the Amish guy on CR 35 for an estimate with him fabricating them.
New Business:
Topic: Easter Egg hunt is March 30 at the park.
Discussion: Dick inquired about the park rental fee only $25.00, feels that this doesn’t cover for the labor and or materials used for rental. The Mayor stated that the park board needs to discuss this.
Discussion: Linda had to do a then and now PO for Carter Lumber in the amount of $5,274.00 for the garage doors at the water plant. Tyler McCombs made a motion to approve the PO, Dick Patterson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Absent
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Executive Session:
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Type: Regular
Date: 04/18/24
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637
Meeting Adjourn:
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Dick Patterson at 8:05 PM and seconded by Ted Thorpe, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Absent
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 04/17/24