Killbuck Village Council met in regular session on November 18, 2024 commencing at 7:00 PM with Mayor Allison presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Tyler McCombs, Lisa Kauffman, Cindy Miller, Ted Thorpe, Keith Mohler, Erica Ash present.

In Attendance:

Steve Patterson, Street Commissioner
Olivia Biltz, Solicitor

Guests: Jake Sidle, WKLM

Approval of Previous Minutes:

Discussion: Ted Thorpe made a motion to approve the minutes from November 4, 2024 Cindy Miller seconded, Lisa Kauffman, abstained, all others member approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Abstain
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 1

Fiscal Officer Report:

Representative’s Name: Linda Campbell

Approval of Bills: Tyler McCombs made a motion to pay current bills in the amount of $24,442.11 , Erica Ash seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Street Report:

Representative’s Name: Steve Patterson

Discussion: Leaf pickup is almost completed.

Park Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison

Discussion: The park is shut down for winter. Chas Morris is getting a quote for concrete work. Kauffman Lawn Structures is coming to look at the issues with the playground equipment. Health Department came and did the food inspections, there were no issues.

Sewer / Water Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison, Linda Campbell

Still working on the new UB4 software system. The property that the water was turned off, turned it back on. Mike went to check and the meter was spinning, he went and put a padlock on it and they came and made payment. We let them know that this is a federal offense and if it happens again we will turn it over to the prosecutor.

Solicitor Report:

Representative’s Name: Olivia Biltz

Reviewed the emails concerning mowing ordinance and would like to amend them to reflect a height requirement. Case management conference with quiet title action is scheduled for Wednesday November 20.



Prior Business:

Spoke with Drew Taylor, Trustee for Killbuck township concerning the culvert clean out on CR 35. Once the schedules work will get it completed. Had a Zoom meeting with OHM concerning the streetscape project. Reviewed the plans and went over scheduling to keep the project on time. The Christmas party is December 16 at 6:00 PM at the Pizza Parlor. Forwarded the pictures of 295 N Water Street, will be moving forward with letters served by the Sheriff. The mayor spoke with Susan Miller concerning things in the alley she will speak to her son-in-law concerning moving them. Still waiting on Jamie Menuez to come measure the catch basin behind Village Hall and the one on Carpenter Street. Engineering and Associates submitted the LTAP grant application for S Main Street streetscape.

New Business:

Signed the IPA audit agreement. Tree lighting December 8. CIC is doing a toy drive for the tree lighting donations can be dropped off at Dollar General or the Theater.

Executive Session:


Next Scheduled Meeting:

Type: Regular
Date: 12/02/24
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637

Meeting Adjourn:

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Ted Thorpe at 7:55 PM and seconded by Cindy Miller, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 12/02/24