The village of Killbuck BPA met in regular session commencing at 6:11PM with members present Troy Majzer, Darryl Miller and Colton Dawson, Mike Judson, Rick Allison and Linda Campbell

Darryl Miller made a motion to approve the previous minutes, Colton Dawson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried

Darryl Miller made a motion to approve customer balances, accounts payable, timesheets, financials and adjustments, Troy Majzer, with all others approving

Clerk discussed moving forward with offering ACH as an option for water/sewer payments. Darryl Miller made a motion to approve, Colton Dawson seconded, motion carrie

Water Superintendent Report

Camera on top of the hill and everything looked good, there is some root problems with the lateral lines but will continue with treatment

The Trasher Group and engineering firm that Mike has been working with on some grants will be attending the council meeting on September 21 @ 7:00PM, will change our meeting to then.

Darryl Miller made a motion to adjourn at 6:27PM, Colton Dawson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried

The next meeting is September 21, 2022