Killbuck Village Council met in regular session on January 19, 2021 at 7:05 pm in the Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637 with Mayor Denny Hahn presiding. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Rick Allison, Cindy Miller, Travis Scott, Ted Thorpe, Gary Wagers were present and Lisa Kauffman was not present.

In Attendance:

Lindsey Gardner, Visitor – Concerning the Animal Ordinance
Penny Hamilton, Visitor – Concerning the Animal Ordinance
Cheyanne Miller, Visitor – Concerning the Animal Ordinance

Approval of Previous Minutes:

Motion to approve minutes of the regular session on December 30, 2020 was made by Ted Thorpe and seconded by Gary Wagers.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0 

Motion to approve minutes of the regular session on January, 4, 2021 was made by Ted Thorpe and seconded by Cindy Miller.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0 

Fiscal Officer Report:

Representative’s Name: Linda Campbell

Discussion: Motion for approval of bills in the amount of $66,892.13 was made by Travis Scott and seconded by Cindy Miller.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0 

Street Report:

Representative’s Name: Council

Discussion: Would like to have Holmesville Electric come and install some new lights.  Gary Wagers made a motion to let the guys proceed, Rick Allison seconded, with all others approving. Some discussion took place concerning cold patch for the Quick Check parking lot.

Park Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison

Discussion: Chuck Morris came and formed up the dugouts, he will be back when the weather is fit to do concrete.  Going to go look at siding this week. 

Sewer / Water Report:


Solicitor Report:


Citizens Comments:

Name:  Lindsey Gardner, Penny Hamilton, Cheyanne Miller

Comments: All three residents came to question the animal ordinance due to the fact that they all have more than three dogs. The Mayor addressed the Ordinance and the reasoning behind why the ordinance is being drafted.  Mayor let them know that it is in draft stage and that amendments can be made and addressed at this time. After some discussion council made the decision to have Julie change the number of dogs/cats from three to five. Julie will re-draft the ordinance.



Prior Business:

Topic: Animal Ordinance

Presented By: Council

Discussion: Gary Wagers made a motion to eliminate 1(d) of the draft ordinance Travis Scott seconded, with all others approving.

New Business:

Topic: Rate of speed of cars from Killbuck Creek Apartments
Presented By: Ted Thorpe

Discussion: He would like to see speed bumps installed once the weather breaks.  Some discussion took place concerning the snow removal once the bumps are installed so it was discussed that maybe we could install portable ones. Tabled.

Topic: 4-Wheelers
Presented By: Travis Scott

Discussion: There are people riding 4 Wheelers on CR 622 coming into town by the trail and near the Farner property doing donuts.  Mayor stated residents need to call the Sheriff’s department.  Fiscal Officer will follow up with Tim Stryker.

Topic: Street Commissioner 
Presented By: Council

Discussion: Ted Thorpe made a motion to appoint Brian Rippeth to Street Commissioner for 2021 and have Steve Patterson as interim  Gary Wagers seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.

Topic: Council President
Presented By: Mayor

Discussion: The Mayor recommend that Rick Allison serve as council president for 2021 Ted Thorpe made the motion, Cindy Miller seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.

Executive Session:

Purpose: To discuss the acquisition of property, employee leave.

Motion was made to adjourn into Executive Session by Ted Thorpe and seconded by Gary Wagers.


Rick Allison: Adjourn into Executive Session
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Adjourn into Executive Session
Travis Scott: Adjourn into Executive Session
Ted Thorpe: Adjourn into Executive Session
Gary Wagers: Adjourn into Executive Session

Invited into Session: Linda Campbell, Julie Dreher

Discussion: Discussion took place of acquiring the Farner Property for back taxes and liens at this time that is around 12,000.00  Ted Thorpe made a motion for Julie to proceed with said purchase Travis Scott seconded, with all others approving.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Discussion: Concerning Brian Rippeth’s sick time. After some discussion Ted Thorpe made a motion to grant Brian Rippeth sick time 30 hours per week 60 bi-weekly until June 21, 2020 Cindy Miller seconded, with all others approving. 


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Adjourn Executive Session:

Motion was made to adjourn Executive Session by Cindy Miller and seconded by Travis Scott.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Next Scheduled Meeting:

Type: Regular
Date: 2/1/2021
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637
Comments: For Council members, Mayor, Solicitor and Fiscal Officer public by WebEx 

Meeting Adjourn:

Motion was made to adjourn Meeting by Ted Thorpe at 8:25 pm and seconded by Cindy Miller.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Absent
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 1/19/21
Attested by Denny Hahn, Mayor 1/19/21