Killbuck Village Council met in special session on September 27, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637 with Mayor Denny Hahn presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Rick Allison, Lisa Kauffman, Cindy Miller, Travis Scott, Ted Thorpe, Gary Wagers were present.

In Attendance:

Jeremy Scott – Visitor – WKLM
Tim Stryker- Lieutenant Holmes County Sheriff Dept
Tyler McCombs – Resident
Ann Stotler – Resident

Guest: Tim Stryker

The Mayor welcomed and thanked Lieutenant Stryker for coming to the meeting tonight to update council and himself concerning the patrolling of the village. There have been some residents that have complained about calling the sheriff’s department and a deputy never responding. Lieutenant Stryker stated he has never been informed that this has taken place and he will look into it. He stated that he can be reached anytime via email, phone etc. and encouraged the mayor, council and fiscal officer to do so. Lieutenant Stryker stated that his staffing has been down due to COVID and that the hours were down the past couple months. Mayor stated that he feels there needs to be more citations issued for stop signs and speed. Lieutenant Stryker stated that his staff rotates off every eight weeks and from the reports we receive you can see that certain officers pay more attention to different areas and he feels it is a good mix of services provided.

Some council members voiced concerns of curfew violations. Lieutenant Stryker stated that the residents need to call when it is happening so that the deputy can address it.

Lieutenant Stryker will come to council meetings on the second meeting of the month following the end of the quarter to update and see if there are any issues.

Julie Dreher stated to Lieutenant Stryker that we are adopting the Ohio basic code and amending it with our specific ordinance, once completed she will provide a copy to him. Along with this the Holmes County Prosecutor has been contracted to provide legal service for trials.

An issue that happened recently was someone dumping trash in the village dumpster located at the park. Council wishes to have one warning issued, requesting them to remove trash and on the second offense a citation issued.

Executive Session:

Gary Wagers made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel at 8:10 pm. Lisa Kauffman seconded, with all others approving. Members invited into executive session Tyler McCombs, Colton Dawson, Troy Majzer, Julie Dreher, Steve Patterson, Mike Judson and Linda Campbell.

Adjourn Executive Session:

Ted Thorpe made a motion to adjourn executive session at 8:45pm, Travis Scott seconded, with all others approving. Ted Thorpe made a motion to hold interviews on October 4th starting at 5:30 pm, Lisa Kauffman seconded, with all others approving. Fiscal Officer will set up interviews with the three candidates chosen.

Next Scheduled Meeting:

Type: Regular
Date: 10/04/21
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637

Meeting Adjourn:

Motion was made to adjourn Meeting by Ted Thorpe at 8:57 pm and seconded by Gary Wagers.


Rick Allison: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Travis Scott: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
Gary Wagers: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0 

Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 10/04/21
Attested by Rick Allison, Mayor 10/04/21