Killbuck Village Council met in regular session on January 3, 2024 commencing at 7:00 PM with Mayor Allison presiding.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Tyler McCombs, Cindy Miller, Lisa Kauffman, Erica Ash, Dick Patterson Ted Thorpe present.

In Attendance:

Guests: Michele Wood and Holley Johnson

Gave an update to the Appalachia grant and explained that we made it into the application that OMEGA submitted and now we wait and see.

Holley also wanted the mayor and council to know that she is running for county commissioners in March.

Approval of Previous Minutes:

Discussion: Ted Thorpe made a motion to approve the minutes from December 27, 2023, Dick Patterson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Fiscal Officer Report:

Representative’s Name: Linda Campbell

Approval of Bills: None

Lisa Kauffman made a motion to approve the December bank reconciliation, fund, revenue, appropriation reports, payment listing and payroll, Ted Thorpe seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Street Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison

Discussion: The plow has been fixed, valves and lights installed as well as a new battery installed on the truck. The Christmas tree is down. Grant Street is completed and appears to be draining good. Soil and Water will have its Christmas tree drop off at the park again this year until January 12. Met with Jeff Forrer at the Sweet Shop concerning the new construction.

Park Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison

Discussion: None

Sewer / Water Report:

Representative’s Name: Rick Allison

Discussion: Holmes Lumber came to move the garage door to the new addition and there was some miscommunication concerning the measurements and a new garage door needs to be ordered. Mike received an estimate in the amount of $5,274.00.

Ted Thorpe made a motion to purchase new garage door and get it installed, Dick Patterson seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Solicitor Report:

Representative’s Name: Julie Dreher

Last day will be January 9.



Prior Business:


New Business:

Topic: Council President

Discussion: Lisa Kauffman nominated Dick Patterson to the seat of council president, Ted Thorpe seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Dick Patterson: Abstain
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Executive Session:


Next Scheduled Meeting:

Type: Regular
Date: 01/17/24
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637

Meeting Adjourn:

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Ted Thorpe at 7:46 PM and seconded by Dick Patterson with all others approving, motion carried.


Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Dick Patterson: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes

VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 02/07/24