Killbuck Village Council met in regular session on September 15, 2024 commencing at 7:00 PM with Mayor Allison presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Tyler McCombs, Lisa Kauffman, Erica Ash, Cindy Miller, Ted Thorpe, Keith Mohler present.
In Attendance:
Keith Mohler took the oath of office for the vacant council seat.
Guests: None
Approval of Previous Minutes:
Discussion: Ted Thorpe made a motion to approve the minutes from August 15,2024 Lisa Kauffman seconded, with Cindy Miller and Keith Mohler abstained, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Abstain
Keith Mohler: Abstain
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 4, No: 0, Abstain: 2
Cindy Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from September 4, 2024 Tyler McCombs seconded, Ted Thorpe abstained, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Abstain
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 1
Fiscal Officer Report:
Representative’s Name: Linda Campbell
Ted Thorpe made a motion to approve a then and now PO 88-2024 in the amount of $9,620.00 88 for MLM Lawn Care for the Memorial at the park, Tyler McCombs seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Approval of Bills: Ted Thorpe made a motion to pay current bills in the amount of $20,815.17, Erica Ash seconded, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Street Report:
Representative’s Name: Rick Allison
Discussion: Steve is still working on getting a street sweeper. Melway will be here by the end of month to do E Grant Street.
Park Report:
Representative’s Name: Rick Allison
Discussion: The Memorial looks really good. Still have some things to finish but will do in the Spring. The park board approved 2 more flags and to get an Eagle for the top of the flagpole. Spoke with Michael Martin and he will assist in getting the Eagle mounted on top of the flagpole. Fall league will end on September 25.
Sewer / Water Report:
Representative’s Name: Rick Allison, Linda Campbell
Solicitor Report:
Representative’s Name: Olivia Biltz
Continues to work on the nuisance ordinance.
Prior Business:
The new fee for the Hometown Heroes is $200.00. Had a Zoom meeting with OMEGA and the contract was updated and the advertisement for RFQ for an engineering firm will be in the Bargain Hunter. The deadline for them to reply is October 11, will then have another Zoom meeting to rate the engineering firms.
New Business:
Pomerene Hospital reached out to the Mayor concerning if the village had a space available for them to park the mobile health unit this Winter. Some discussion took place and the village really doesn’t have a space available. Discussed some items that the council could put into the time capsule to be opened in 2074.
Executive Session:
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Type: Regular
Date: 10/02/24
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Village Hall 138 S Main Street Killbuck, OH 44637
Meeting Adjourn:
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Ted Thorpe at 7:40 PM and seconded by Lisa Kauffman, with all others approving, motion carried.
Erica Ash: Yes
Lisa Kauffman: Yes
Tyler McCombs: Yes
Cindy Miller: Yes
Keith Mohler: Yes
Ted Thorpe: Yes
VOTING RESULTS – Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0
Minutes prepared by Linda Campbell, Fiscal Officer 09/26/24